This woman was the village doctor, dentist, and midwife.
The woman with her back to the camera was from Denmark and was having her "Bones and Shells" read. The amazing thing
was that the healer (at least 300lbs after a fasting) was able to tell things about this woman (Fatima) that only she and
her husband had knowledge of. She told the woman she was having problems conceiving (she was) and that for 300 rand ($50.00
USD) she could make her a porage that would enable her to become pregnant.
The healer although working out of a hut, actually lived in a very nice home with satillite and a big screen TV. Go Figure.
She also had her license from the government hung on the wall, which made her activities legal.
In South Africa, there is a LARGE "Cash Only" econony that bypasses the income tax roles.